My Freedom from the Addiction of Marijuana
By Pastor Tony O. Aufa
I started smoking marijuana at around 13 years of age right through to 30. I’ve had a few other addictions too, but marijuana topped the list. The practice got the better of me when I planted my own gardens. I thought I’d never quit. I even said there’s nothing wrong with smoking marijuana because it’s only a plant. But I was totally wrong. Just because God made something, it doesn’t mean it is for us to ingest. Should we eat poisonous plants? Thank God, I finally stopped. I know you can quit too.
Looking back, I’ve realised that the practice was killing me inside out. There were a whole lot of other things happening within and around me. Firstly, I was abusing the plant. Maybe God created this plant for another use which I hold we haven’t found out yet. Secondly, my health was declining because all I ever wanted to do was smoke. I wasn’t doing anything good for my own life. I was pouring out my life into a ditch. I wasn’t controlling my life. The addiction was enslaving me. I wanted to be free of addiction and use my God-given brains. Sometimes I felt like I was some kind of machine that needed some fuel to run. But I’m not a machine; I am an image bearer of Christ. When I realized that the good feeling the addiction gave didn’t last, only feigned life, and was only leaving me with scars of emptiness, I wanted to be free of it.
The quitting process didn’t come easy. Firstly, I laid my burden before the Lord in prayer. I tried to fill my mind with the Word of God. I disassociated myself from the addicts I used to hang out with. I stopped going places that would only put me at risk. When the urge arose, I had a good bath and took a nap. After some months of doing this, the urge of smoking went away.
If you pray but visit places or people who would only put you at risk then you’re never going to win. You will go back to your old self again. Therefore:
1. Pray;
2. Keep away from people who are still in the practice.
You can’t just pray and expect a miracle to happen. You’ll have to make it happen. You pray for a change and make change. If you pray but visit places or people who would only put you at risk then you’re never going to win. You will go back to your old self again. Therefore: 1. Pray; 2. Keep away from people who are still in the practice.
Why should you quit? First, because you’re an image of Your Creator. Second, because addiction is sin. Titus was urged to educate the older women to stop drinking too much wine. In the NIV it says, ‘addicted to much wine. The ESV reads, “…slaves to much wine” (Titus 2:3). I understand that the passage isn’t talking about marijuana but the same principle applies here. You shouldn’t let anything enslave you.
Christ Jesus has purchased our freedom on the cross. You can be free of anything that enslaves you. I’m a free man in Christ Jesus, my Master and Savior!