Episode 13: 1 Pita 3:7 – Wok bilong Kristen Man
Long dispela episode, bai yumi harim wanpela autim tok long 1 Pita 3:7. Dispela tok i toktok long pasin bilong trupela Kristen man. Trupela Kristen man bai i no inap tru long paitim meri, lusim meri, kisim planti meri, neglektim ol pikinini na wok bilong haus. Dispela ol pasim i birua wantaim tok bilong God. God i tok strong long ol man long bihainim Krais na mekim gutpela pasin long meri bilong ol.
In this episode we hear a sermon by Pastor Ryan from 1 Peter 3:7 about how a true Christian man treats his wife. Wife-beating, leaving your wife, taking multiple wives, ignoring your children– all these things go against God’s Word. God commands men as leaders of the house to follow the ways of Christ and treat their wives with gentleness and respect.