Ol Atikel (Tok Pisin)
Editorial – Jisas Krais i Winim Adiksen
Nau Yumi No Ken Larim Wanpela Samting i Bosim Yumi
Fridom bilong Mi long Kalabus bilong Mariwana
Yumi Olgeta i Stap Wokboi bilong Sin o Krais
Hau God i bin Kisim Bek Mi long Kalabus bilong Adiksen
Brukim Strong bilong ol Adiksen
Bilong Wanem Yu Mas Hariap na Lusim Dispela Pasin bilong Kaikai Buai!
Articles (English)
Editorial – Jesus Christ is Greater than Your Addiction
I Must Not Become a Slave to Anything
My Freedom from the Addiction of Marijuana
Who are You Serving? Sin or Christ?
How God Rescued Me from Addiction
Breaking the Power of Addictions